origin of the Atlantean continent is obscured in the
misty period of prehistory. Indeed, even psychic records
are hard to understand, for the earth's surface has
changed many times during even this cycle. When man entered this earth as man, according to the Edgar Cayce readings, Atlantis was a great continent lying in what is now the Atlantic Ocean between the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea. In area it can be compared with what is now Europe and Russia. The north and south poles did not occupy their present positions, nor were the land surfaces now existent then above water except as follows: The eastern seaboard was the coastal region of Atlantis; the region of the Carpathian mountains and the Mongolian Desert were habitable, as was the northern part of what is now Africa, as was the southeastern portion of Atlantis. The Andean coast of South America were covered by water, while the plains of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona were above sea level. The people of Atlantis passed through the same stages of development as other peoples. As we shall see, there were periods when they attained very high understanding of natural laws and excelled the other races of the world in material civilization. The first of a series of disturbances came as a result of the use of the very high explosives which were used to destroy the enormous animals that then roamed the world. Great gas pockets were blown open and volcanic eruptions and earthquakes from the slow cooling earth broke up the continent into a group of large islands. The Bible gives an account of this second change, terming it the flood. Before the final destruction which began about 10,700 B.C. the principal islands remaining were Poseidia, Aryaz and Og. The West Indies are remains of this great continent. The people of Atlantis were a combination of the hardened thought forms manifesting in that part of the earth, and man's projection, as in present form, as one of the five races, resulting in the red race. At first the homes were in caves among the rocks and in nests in the trees. Later through group organization, structures of wood and stone were built. Stone was first use to form the implements with which the people protected themselves and secured food. Iron, brass, and copper were also employed even before the first upheavals. The early Atlanteans were peaceful and so made rapid advances in the application of natural laws. At an early period natural gas was utilized to make large balloons from the skins of animals and these balloons were used to transport building materials. Electricity was also discovered and set to work for man, thus paving the way for remarkable developments in this field. Turmoils arose with the mixing of those of pure lineage with those who had not completely thrown off the animal influences. Contempt, hatred, and bloodshed resulted. With this growth of disturbing factors - resulting from the magnification of desires without regard for the rights of others - an effort was made to draw the people back to the worship of one God, by establishing the first altars upon which were made the sacrifices of the field and forest. Rituals and ceremonies were instituted and the sacred fires set, as the shrine of the pure and the means of cleansing for all. After the first destruction, the altars were sometimes used for human sacrifice, by those turning more and more away from the original understanding of the Creative Force. Strife, rather than peace, became the common state, and the fact that great understanding of nature's forces had been attained made the destructions all the more terrible. From this time on, though material civilization rose to great heights, there was a growing unrest which brought about the many migrations both to the east and the west. As can well be understood when considering the period of time covered, civilizations rose and fell many times on this great continent. At the heights of material achievement the Atlanteans were far more advanced than we are today. They used electricity as we do and, moreover, included among their inventions, well developed television and radio; amplification of light rays for telescopes; and more advanced systems for heating and lighting. Rays of various kinds were controlled, including the death ray. Fluxes of metals unknown today were used in the various types of air and water craft which were constructed by the Atlanteans. The forces used to propel these crafts were first gas and electricity, but later, forces from the sun's rays - caught and reflected by crystals. Many beautiful cities were built throughout the land. Perhaps the largest was that called Poseidia, located on what became the last of the great islands also designated by that name. Here on the bay of Parfa - one of the great harbors of the ancient world - the Atlanteans constructed a city of stone. Water was brought in great conduits from the mountains and distributed to the individual buildings and beautiful pools, of which there were many. The buildings, other than the temple in the heart of the city, were built in tiers. Colored stones, highly polished, were used; and inlay work was prevalent. In the temple were to be found enormous semi-circular columns of onyx, topaz, and beryl, inlaid with amethyst and other stones that caught the rays of the sun at various angles. Inthe temple, the sacred fires burned continually. These were rays that we know nothing of today. There was an outer court, or assembly hall; the inner rooms for attendants and the inner chamber about the alter and fires. In appearance the Atlanteans varied as do the people of a vast country today. In the early periods there were both giants and pygmies. Monstrosities resulted from the mixing of the thought forms, but the pure strain as came down from one of the five projections was the origin of the red race. There are many evidences of Atlantean influences at the present time. As yet men have not established the direct connection. Northern Spain, the region of the Pyrenees; Morocco and Egypt on one side of the Atlantic, the British Honduras, Yucatan and America on the other, show remnants of the civilization brought in by the migrating Atlanteans. We must remember that the periods of exodus from Atlantis were far apart. The type of civilization carried to the region of the Pyrenees and America just before and after the first destruction was not the same as that carried to Central America and Morocco before the second upheaval, and to Egypt and Yucatan before the final destruction. In the Pyrenees there are ruins of the early Atlantean settlements; and in Morocco early settlements, also as yet uncovered. In America, traces of Atlantean rituals and ceremonies are to be found among many of the Indian tribes. In Central America and Egypt ancient ruins show definite Atlantean influences, while in both places there will be uncovered records of Atlantean history, duplicate accounts of the early civilizations that will explain much of the early Jewish records as found in the Bible. The West Indies - as has been pointed out - are actual portions of the continent; and on Bimini there are in existence today remains of an old Atlantean temple. (For more
information see the Edgar Cayce #364 series readings
which were given specifically on the topic of Atlantis.) |
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 97
Other Views on Atlantis:Time of the First Place |